Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the role of a clinical psychologist?

A clinical psychologist is a mental health professional trained to assess, diagnose, and treat a range of psychological disorders and emotional issues. They work with individuals who are dealing with conditions such as anxiety, depression, and stress, using evidence-based therapies to help them manage their symptoms and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Clinical psychologists also provide support in developing coping mechanisms and strategies for long-term mental well-being, focusing on improving the overall quality of life for their clients.

2. How can therapy help with anxiety and depression?

Therapy can be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression by helping individuals identify the triggers that contribute to their emotional struggles. Through a therapeutic relationship, individuals are guided to develop coping strategies that can help them manage their symptoms better and improve their daily lives. Therapy also provides a supportive environment where clients can safely explore their emotions and address challenges. Therapists often use approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help change negative thought patterns, which are common in anxiety and depression, ultimately promoting a healthier mindset.

3. What are common symptoms of ADHD in children?

Children with ADHD often exhibit symptoms such as difficulty paying attention, making careless mistakes, and being easily distracted. They may also display signs of hyperactivity, such as constant fidgeting, an inability to stay seated, and excessive talking. Impulsivity is another common trait, where children might act without thinking, interrupt others frequently, or have trouble waiting their turn. These symptoms can affect a child’s performance in school and their interactions with peers, making early identification and intervention essential.

4. What can couples counseling do for relationship issues?

Couples counseling is designed to help partners improve their communication and resolve conflicts that may be harming their relationship. It provides a structured environment where both individuals can express their concerns and work through underlying issues that may be causing emotional disconnection. By fostering better communication and emotional understanding, couples counseling can strengthen relationships and provide support during difficult times, such as marital challenges or pre-divorce situations. The goal is to help couples reconnect and navigate their issues more effectively.

5. How does family therapy help with family conflicts?

Family therapy focuses on improving the communication and dynamics within a family to resolve conflicts and strengthen relationships. It provides a safe space for family members to express their feelings and understand each other’s perspectives, facilitating healthier interactions. Family therapy can be especially helpful in addressing ongoing disputes or tensions that may be causing a strain on relationships. By working together, families can build stronger bonds, resolve misunderstandings, and create a more supportive and harmonious home environment.

6. What strategies are used in stress management therapy?

Stress management therapy incorporates a variety of techniques aimed at reducing stress and improving overall well-being. Some common strategies include relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation, which help individuals stay calm in high-stress situations. Time management techniques are also emphasized, helping clients prioritize tasks to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Cognitive restructuring is another tool, used to challenge and change negative thought patterns that contribute to stress. Mindfulness practices are often introduced to help individuals stay grounded and focused, enabling them to manage stress more effectively.

7. What are the benefits of counseling for teenagers?

Counseling for teenagers offers a range of benefits, including emotional support to help them navigate the psychological and emotional challenges they may be facing. Through counseling, teenagers can address behavioral issues, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and improve their relationships with peers and family members. The therapeutic environment provides a safe and confidential space where teens can openly discuss their concerns, learn to manage their emotions better, and acquire skills that will help them in their personal and social development.

8. How can I book an appointment with Dr. Ruby Ahuja?

Booking an appointment with Dr. Ruby Ahuja is a simple process. You can easily schedule a session online by visiting our booking page, where available time slots and services are listed. Alternatively, you can call our office at +91-9876119953 to speak with a staff member who can assist in setting up your appointment. If preferred, appointments can also be requested via email at “”. We strive to make the booking process as convenient as possible to meet your needs.

9. How does Dr. Ruby Ahuja handle privacy and confidentiality?

Dr. Ruby Ahuja is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality in all therapy sessions. All personal and medical information shared during sessions is securely stored and protected. Therapy sessions are conducted in a private setting, ensuring that clients feel safe and confident that their conversations remain confidential. Dr. Ahuja adheres to strict legal and ethical guidelines to protect clients’ privacy, ensuring that sensitive information is never disclosed without consent, except in cases where law mandates it.

10. What are the signs that a child may need counseling?

There are several signs that may indicate a child could benefit from counseling. Behavioral changes, such as sudden mood swings or acting out, can be a red flag, as can academic struggles, like a decline in school performance or difficulty concentrating. Social withdrawal, where a child avoids friends, family, or activities they previously enjoyed, may also indicate the need for counseling. Additionally, frequent emotional outbursts, including tantrums, aggression, or extreme sadness, suggest that professional support could help the child process their feelings in a healthier way.

11. How does cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) work?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a structured, goal-oriented form of therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. In CBT, clients work with a therapist to recognize harmful thoughts that contribute to their emotional difficulties and then learn strategies to challenge and replace those thoughts with healthier ones. The therapy also emphasizes behavioral changes, teaching clients coping mechanisms that can help them manage symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. By breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts, CBT empowers clients to make practical, lasting changes in their lives.

12. What is the difference between individual therapy and group therapy?

Individual therapy involves one-on-one sessions between the therapist and the client, allowing for personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s specific needs. This format offers a private space to explore personal issues in-depth. In contrast, group therapy involves multiple participants who share similar issues. Group therapy provides a supportive environment where clients can gain insights from peers, offer mutual support, and learn from the experiences of others. Both approaches have unique benefits, and the choice between them depends on the individual’s preferences and therapeutic goals.

13. What types of issues can family therapy address?

Family therapy can address a wide range of issues, including communication problems, ongoing conflicts, and significant life transitions. It helps families improve their interactions by providing tools and strategies for resolving disputes and understanding each other’s perspectives. Family therapy is also useful in managing behavioral issues in children or adolescents, helping families navigate changes like divorce, relocation, or the addition of new family members. By addressing these issues collectively, family therapy fosters a more supportive and harmonious family environment.

14. What is the process for starting therapy with Dr. Ruby Ahuja?

Starting therapy with Dr. Ruby Ahuja begins with reaching out via phone, email, or online booking to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, you will discuss your concerns, goals, and any specific issues you’d like to address in therapy. Based on this assessment, Dr. Ahuja will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Regular therapy sessions will follow, where the plan is implemented and adjusted as needed to ensure progress and address any evolving concerns.

15. How can I get involved in psychology internships in Chandigarh?

To get involved in psychology internships in Chandigarh, you can start by contacting local institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and educational institutions that offer internship programs. It’s also helpful to check online listings for available opportunities on career and educational websites. Networking with professionals in the field is another great way to discover potential openings and gain recommendations for internships that suit your career goals. By actively seeking out these opportunities, you can gain valuable hands-on experience in the field of psychology.

16. Can therapy help with work-related or school-related stress?

Yes, therapy can be highly effective in managing stress caused by work or school. Through therapy, individuals can identify the specific sources of their stress and understand how it affects their well-being. Therapists help clients develop coping strategies, such as time management skills and relaxation techniques, that can reduce feelings of overwhelm. Therapy also provides a space to explore how personal expectations or pressures from work or school contribute to stress, helping individuals create a more balanced and manageable approach to their responsibilities.

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